Committees & Topical Interest Groups (TIGs)


The Society for Applied Anthropology has a number of committees and Topical Interest Groups designed to act as forums for our members in specialized areas.  On this page, you will find links to current committee membership and posted resources provided by each of the committees. You will also find links to active TIGs on the SfAA Online Community.  

Executive Committee

Executive Committee


Jennifer Wies (2023-2025)  
Department of Anthropology  
Eastern Kentucky University  


Gemmae Fix (2022-2025)
School of Public Health
Boston University

President Elect

A.J. Faas (2024)
Department of Anthropology
San Jose State University


Carla Guerron Montero (2023-2026)
Department of Anthropology
University of Delaware



Award Committees

Distinguished Awards

Malinowski Committee

Louise Lamphere 2026
Lucero Radonic 2025
Colin West, Chair 2025

Mead Committee

Elaine Drew, Chair
Fredy Rodriguez-Mejia
Robert Winthrop 2027

Sol Tax Committee

Amy Drassan Ham, Chair 2025
Carlos Garcia-Quijano 2025
Riall Nolan 2026

Other Awards

P.K. New Committee

Richard Hessler, Chair 2025
Christina Getrich 2025
Jeffrey Colman Salloway 2025
Max Stein 2026

Pelto Committee

Russell Bernard Isaac Nyamongo, Chair
AKM Mazharul Islam  Jon Pelto
Ilionor Louis  

Hackenberg Committee

Donald Stull, Chair Peter Kunstadter
Adrian Benedetti Kerry Feldman

Student Travel Awards

Bodley Committee

Amy Carattini 2025
Xianghong Feng  
Pasng Sherpa, Chair  
Kathleen Van Vlack 2025

Kushner Committee

Jay Sokolovsky, Chair    
Samantha Primiano    
Gregory Reck    
Maria Vesperi    

Erve Chambers Committee

Melissa Stevens, Chair
Kristin Sullivan
Tim Wallace

Resettlement Committee

Julie Maldonado, Chair William Patridge
Lance Larkin Susan Tamondong

Bea Medicine Committee

Richard Stoffle, Chair 2027
Sean Daley 2027
Ted Garner 2028

Del Jones Committee

Cirse Gonzalez 2025
Cynthia Grace-McCaskey 2026
Antoinette T. Jackson, Chair 2025
Kaniqua Robinson 2026

Spicer Committee

Lance Laird, Chair 2026
Allison Hopkins 2027
Carrie Pomeroy 2025
David Surrey 2025

Standing Committees

Standing Committees

Human Rights/Social Justice Committee

Human Rights & Social Justice Committee Page

Jennifer Trivedi, Chair 2027
Sara Alexander 2027
Eric Bailey 2027
Amy Paul-Ward 2027

Oral History

Oral History Committee Page

Carla Guerron Montero 2026
David Himmelgreen 2026
Juliana McDonald, Chair 2024
John van Willigen 2024

Nominations & Elections

Patricia M. Clay 2024
Shirley Fiske, Chair 2026
Hillary J. Haldane 2025


Sherilyne Jones, Chair 2026
Jacqueline Heuer 2027
Niel Tashima 2026

Special Committees

Special Committees

Paredes Memorial Plenary

Heidi Altman  
Kelly Fayard, Chair  
Steve Schensul  

Kearney Lecture

Louise Lamphere, Chair 2027
Deborah Boehm 2026
Nancy Burke 2029
Maria Cruz-Torres 2025
Josiah Heyman 2025
Konane Martinez 2026
Carole Nagengast, Ex-Officio  
Tom Patterson 2027

Committee (SfAA Global)

Hedda Haugen Askland 2026
Alejandra Colom 2025
Maria Cruz-Torres 2026
Megan Schmidt-Sane 2025

Topical Interest Groups

Topical Interest Groups

Members of the Society who share a particular interest may ask the Board to establish a Topical Interest Group. TIGs are informal vehicles for information exchange and collaboration. Requests for the formation of a TIG should include a brief rationale for the topic’s relevance to applied social science, and identification of founding members.

Once a TIG is formed it may publish information in the SfAA News, organize sessions at the annual meeting, and request a meeting room at the annual meeting. TIGs are asked to provide a written report to the Board in conjunction with the fall meeting of the Board each year.

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P.O. Box 2436 • Oklahoma City, OK 73101 • 405.843.5113 •