Invite to Participate in Research Study

Please consider participating in a research study being conducted by two researchers at Texas A&M University— Glenda Musoba, Ph.D. and Corbin Franklin. We invite researchers to participate in a one-time survey and potential, optional follow-up interview. The purpose of the study is to understand how social and behavioral research has changed in light of the adoption of the Revised Common Rule. The survey is estimated to take 20 minutes, and there is no compensation for participation. However, a participant may exit the survey at any time. There is an option to provide contact information for a follow-up interview, but this is optional. 

To participate in the study, please complete this online form. For questions or additional information, please contact Dr. Glenda Musoba at This study has been reviewed and approved by the Texas A&M Human Research Protection Program under IRB2023-0793 (approved 8/23/23).Glenda Musoba, Ph.D. is an associate professor, researching higher education, and is an expert on college choice. Corbin Franklin is a Ph.D. student in higher education administration, whose research interests center around the employee-organization relationship in student affairs professionals.

To participate, please select the survey that best represents your methodological approach: 



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