P.K. New Award Call for Papers

Peter Kong-Ming New Student Research Award Competition

PK New Award - A Crystal StarThe Society sponsors an annual student research paper competition in the name of a former President, Peter K. New. The Competition is open to any person who was registered as a student at the graduate or undergraduate level in a college or university during the calendar year, 2020. An eligible student is one who does not have a previously earned doctoral degree.

An eligible manuscript should report on research that in large measure has not been previously published. The Competition will be limited to manuscripts that have a single author; multiple-authored papers will not be eligible. The paper should be double-spaced and must be less than 45 pages in length. Electronic submissions are required.

The first place winner of the Competition will receive a cash prize of $3,000 as well as $350 to partially offset the cost of transportation and 2 nights lodging at the annual meeting of the Society. In addition, the winner receives an engraved crystal trophy. Cash prizes of $1,500 to second place and $750 to third place will also be given as well as a $350 travel stipend and 2 nights lodging at the meeting.

The research and the manuscript should use the social/behavioral sciences to address in an applied fashion an issue or question in the domain (broadly construed) of health care or human services. All submissions must be received in the Office of the Society by November 30, 2020. The winners will be recognized and the papers presented at the annual meeting of the Society in Norfolk, VA, March 24-27, 2021.

For more information and online submission https://www.appliedanthro.org/about/awards-prizes/peter-kong-ming-new-award.

©Society for Applied Anthropology 

P.O. Box 2436 • Oklahoma City, OK 73101 • 405.843.5113 • info@appliedanthro.org