ExtrACTION and Environment TIG

It’s Been a Full Year and We Miss You

The ExtrACTION Team

One of the hardest decisions made by the SfAA Executive Board is what to do about already scheduled annual meetings.  Two years ago, our bags were packed, bound for Albuquerque, when the meeting was cancelled. It was a good call, as the State of New Mexico closed down the following week.  But it was too late to move to a virtual platform.  Last year, the decision was made enough in advance that a vibrant virtual meeting could be planned. It was pretty successful, as compared to this year’s AAA meetings, for example.  March 2022 brings us the first hybrid meeting and the ExtrACTION and Environment TIG invites you to join us in attending in Salt Lake City or from your home. 

We would love to see as many of you in person as possible.  Salt Lake is an interesting venue, so grab your masks, N95 or otherwise, and join us for bright sun and blue skies.

We invite you to especially participate in a joint session sponsored by ExtrACTION, Risk and Disaster and PESO.  Our interests and activities often overlap, and this is a chance to bring your coffee and join us. 

(TH-98) THURSDAY 3:45-5:30 
Snowbird (Onsite) 
Game On!: A Gamified Roundtable on Connections, Intersections, and Collaborations among ExtrAction & Environment, Risk & Disaster, and PESO 

CHAIR: MOOLENAAR. Elisabeth (Regis U) 

And don’t miss out on Business Meeting on Friday

One of our favorite jobs is to take volunteered abstracts and organize them into coherent, and often fascinating sessions.  It is amazing how well the individual papers fit together, and they have been some of the best sessions we’ve attended.  

While waiting for the meetings to begin, check out these new publications by TIG members:

Jalbert, Kirk. 2021 Building Capacity for Action-Oriented Research in Arizona’s Helium Extraction Boom: A Capabilities Model for Social Learning in Engaged STS. in Engaging Science, Technology, Society. 

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From the above article

Szolucha, Anna. 2021. Shale gas developments in England: Social impacts and comparisons.  

The report is available here: https://www.academia.edu/52080042/Shale_Gas_Developments_in_England_Social_impacts_and_comparisons

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If you haven’t yet, please go to https://www.appliedanthro.org/annual-meeting to register for the meeting. We look forward to seeing you (in whatever format) there!

All of the our TIG sponsored sessions are listed below. 

ExtrACTION & Environment at SfAA 2022

(W-98) WEDNESDAY 3:45-5:30 
Snowbird (Onsite) 
Anthropology Engaging Environmental Justice (ExtrAction & Environment TIG) 

CHAIR: COX, Katie (UCI) 
VIDMAR, Abby (USF), AWAD, Nora (Wheaton Coll), ZHENG, Madeleine (ASU), and WELLS, E. Christian (USF) Water and Sanitation Insecurity in an Urban Disadvantaged Unincorporated Community in Tampa, Florida 
COX, Katie (UCI) Building Local Data Capacity for Environmental Justice: Applying Ethnography in Community Air Monitoring Projects 
VAN DOLAH, Elizabeth (Nature Conservancy MD/DC) Revolutionizing Equity and Justice in Environmental Conservation: A Call for Anthropologists in the Age of Racial Reckoning 
TURNER, Christopher Lindsay (NMAI) “The Most Polluted Lake in America”: Negotiating Controversy, Haudenosaunee Traditional Narratives, and the Interpretation of Environmental Justice at the National Museum of the American Indian, Case Studies from the NMAI

(TH-08) THURSDAY 9:00-10:45 
Snowbird (Onsite) 
Changing Environments, Changing Relationships (ExtrAction & Environment TIG) 

CHAIR: BRONDO, Keri (U Memphis) 
BRONDO, Keri (U Memphis), KENT, Suzanne (CO State U), TURCIOS, Josely (Bay Islands Conservation Assoc), ROBINSON, Kat (U Memphis), and NADEEM, Alveena (Independent) Transforming Vulnerability Studies: Local Knowledge and Environmental Education in the Bay Islands, Honduras 
JONES, Barbara (Brookdale CC) Rebrand, Rewild, and Revalue: Dismantling “Inconvenient” Wildlife Narratives 
SANTANA, FranciscaJAEGER, Marika O., and ARDOIN, Nicole M. (Stanford U) Place Attachment in Changing Landscapes: A Review and Synthesis of Literature Linking “Place” to Pro-Environmental and Place-Protective Behavior 
BARRON, Cristie (SNHU) Back to Our Roots: Resurrecting Our Animistic Past to Transform Our Crumbling Future 
LAMPE, Frederick (Fritz) P. (NAU) Right Religion, Rites, and Responsibilities in a Changing Climate 
SKRZYPEK, Emilka (U St Andrews) The Value of a River: Mining Projects and Alternative Development Futures

 (TH-68) THURSDAY 1:30-3:15 
Snowbird (Onsite) 
Transforming Conservation (ExtrAction & Environment TIG) 

CHAIR: HAK HEPBURN, Michelle (UBC) ​​​​​​​
HAK HEPBURN, Michelle (UBC) Transforming Trees: Encouraging Reforestation in San Martin, Peru 
MÁCHA, Přemysl (Inst of Ethnology-Czech Academy of Sci) Anthropology and Nature Conservation: Protecting the Hermit Beetle in the Nature Reserve Poodří, Czechia 
WAITES, Vanessa (U Memphis) The Morality of Morels: The Benefits and Costs of Wild Harvesting in Parks

 (TH-98) THURSDAY 3:45-5:30 
Snowbird (Onsite) 
Game On!: A Gamified Roundtable on Connections, Intersections, and Collaborations among ExtrAction & Environment, Risk & Disaster, and PESO 

CHAIR: MOOLENAAR. Elisabeth (Regis U) 

(F-12) FRIDAY 9:00-10:45 
Parleys (Onsite) 
Environmental Communication as (Interactive) Imagination and Performance in the Anthropocene, Part I (ExtrAction & Environment TIG) 

CHAIR: SJÖLANDER LINDQVIST, Annelie (CEFOS Gothenburg U) ​​​​​​​
LARSSON, Simon (U Gothenburg) Dealing with Machine Learning Input in Systemic Environmental Communication 
SJÖLANDER-LINDQVIST, AnnelieLARSSON, Simon, and BENNETT, Juliana (U Gothenburg) Living with Large Carnivores in Sweden: Understandings and Lived Experiences of Harm and Wellbeing
JINKA RAMAMURTHY, Malavika (U Arizona) Human-Animal Relationships and Conflicts of Displaced Communities: A Study of the Chenchu Tribe in the Nallamala Forest of Southern India 
KELLEY, Shawn (Parametrix), BUNCH, Fred (NPS), and HILL, Damon (Parametrix) From Hanging Lakes to Towering Dunes, Traditional Use and Resource Management at Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve 
KUGO, Yoko (UAF) Iliamna Lake Ethnogeography and Yup’ik and Contemporary Place Names, Alaska 
DISCUSSANTS: LIM, Heather Hyealim (U Arizona), CARROLL, Clint (CU Boulder), ALARCON, Cristian (Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet)

(F-19) FRIDAY 9:00-10:45 
Sidewinder (Livestreamed from SLC)
Water Insecurity and Anthropology: Connecting Research to Social Action to Address a Pressing Global Health Issue (ExtrAction & Environment TIG) 

CHAIR: TALLMAN, Paula (Loyola U) ​​​​​​​
TALLMAN, PaulaCOLE, StromaRUSYIDI, Binhayati and SALMON-MULANOVICH, Gabriela (Loyola U) Navigating Extreme Water Insecurity: Integrating Research and Social Action in Sumba, Indonesia 
ALEXANDER, William (UNCW), CABALLERO, Grey (USF), and BARHAM, Ashley (UNCW) Going on Five Years: The Fight against “Forever Chemicals” in the Cape Fear River Basin 
GASTEYER, Stephen (MSU) Daily Indignities and Innovation: The Everyday Politics of Water Insecurity in the Palestinian West Bank 
JOHNSON, Jennifer Lee (Purdue U) Water, Politics, and Poverty at the Crossroad of America 
WELLS, E. ChristianVIDMAR, Abby, and CABALLERO, Grey (USF) Racial Underbounding and Infrastructural Violence in Tampa Bay, Florida 
COLLINS, Shalean (Tulane U), YOUNG, Sera L. (Northwestern U), WUTICH, Amber (ASU), and HWISE Research Coordination Network How Do Households Cope with Water Insecurity?: Evidence from Ten Global Sites

(F-42) FRIDAY 11:15-1:00 
Parleys (Onsite) 
Environmental Communication as (Interactive) Imagination and Performance in the Anthropocene, Part II (ExtrAction & Environment TIG) 

CHAIR: SJÖLANDER LINDQVIST, Annelie (CEFOS Gothenburg U) ​​​​​​​
MURIN, Ivan (Matej Bel U) Migrating Carpathian Romany: Everyday Realities of Human-Nature-Animal Relations in an Increasingly Romany Hostile Society 
PERMANTO, Stefan (U Gothenburg) The Anthropocene or the Prosopocene?: A Sustainable Environment and the Inter-dependence of Human and Other-Than-Human Persons
STOFFLE, Richard (U Arizona) Let the Salmon Swim: Skokomish Efforts to Restore Their River 
VAN VLACK, Kathleen (Living Heritage Rsch Council) Sustainable for Who?: Solar Energy Development Verses Southern Paiute Cultural Heritage 
DISCUSSANTS: LIM, Heather Hyealim (U Arizona), CARROLL, Clint (CU Boulder), ALARCON, Cristian (Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet)

(F-49) FRIDAY 11:15-1:00 
Sidewinder (Livestreamed from SLC) 
Experiencing the Precarious Environment (ExtrAction & Environment TIG) 

CHAIR: MOOLENAAR. Elisabeth (Regis U) ​​​​​​​
SIMONELLI, Jeanne (NPS) It All Depends on Water: Extracting Life’s Critical Component 
GILLARD, Autumn (NMHU) The Southern Paiute Dark Sky as a Renewable Resource with Public Lands 
BETTINI, Anna (U Alberta) Voices of Taranaki: Risk and Perceptions of Fracking in Taranaki, New Zealand 
PALMER, Andie (U Alberta) Greasing the Tracts: How Oil and Gas Tactics Slide into Geothermal Legislation 
MOOLENAAR. Elisabeth (Regis U) The Grief of the Peat Colonies: Extractivism through the Centuries in Groningen, The Netherlands 
VANDERLINDEN, Lisa (TCU) The Double Burden of Contested Illness: The Case of the BP Oil Spill

(F-79) FRIDAY 1:30-3:15 
Sidewinder (Livestreamed from SLC) 
Everyday Activism and Alternative Futures (ExtrAction & Environment TIG) 

CHAIR: WILLOW, Anna (OSU)​​​​​​​
TILT, Bryan (OR State U) Remaking a River: Dam Removal and Ecological Transformation in the Pacific Northwest 
TAM, Mankei (Chinese U Hong Kong) Activism Reloaded: Beyond Abandonment and Sacrifice After Fukushima 
WIDENER, Patricia (FAU) Social & Environmental Hope & Optimism in Volunteerism & Resistance 
WILLOW, Anna (OSU) Putting the Pieces in Place: Optimistic Futuring in Transition Movement Culture 
KING, Hilary (Emory U) “Growing Your Own Food Is Like Printing Your Own Money”: Reshaping Relationships in Atlanta Food Systems 
RISSING, Andrea (Emory U) Transitioning Farmland Futures: Pathways towards Diversification

FRIDAY 5:30-7:00 
Emigration (Onsite) 
ExtrAction & Environment TIG Business Meeting 

(S-38) SATURDAY 11:15-1:00 
Snowbird (Onsite) 
Connecting with the Environment and Each Other: Linking Meaning and Management in Public Green Spaces, Part I (ExtrAction & Environment TIG) 

CHAIRS: COOLS, Kyla and BROWN, Madeline (UMD) ​​​​​​​
WANG, Luwei (UFL) Outside Walt Disney: An Urbanizing World for Orlando Public Parks 
TEMME, Sara (Portland State U) More than Words: Articulating the Multisensory Experiences of Protected Area Visitors in Southern Nevada 
COOLS, Kyla (UMD) Perceptions on the Impacts of Covid-19 on Park and Trail Experiences 
FISKE, Shirley (UMD) and LOPEZ, Noel (NPS) Invisibility and Environmental Justice in Public Park Spaces

(S-68) SATURDAY 1:30-3:15 
Snowbird (Onsite) 
Connecting with the Environment and Each Other: Linking Meaning and Management in Public Green Spaces, Part II (ExtrAction & Environment TIG) 

CHAIRS: COOLS, Kyla and BROWN, Madeline (UMD) ​​​​​​​
GONZALEZ, Cady (UFL) Re-creation for Recreation: Beautifying Urban Natures in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 
MCKERNAN, Bailey (UCSB) Eat Your Weeds: An Investigation of Edible Weeds and the Indigenous Ethics and Histories of Foraging 
ALEXANDER, Sara (Baylor U) When Emotions Run Deep: Protecting Land and Human Life by Reconciling Preservation, Development, and Habitation in Red River Gorge, Kentucky 
BROWN, Madison (ISU) What Makes a Good Trail?: Linking Conservation Ideologies and Embodied Knowledge in Trail Building Practice

On-Demand Paper (Whova): 

ASKLAND, Hedda and IRWIN, Randi (U Newcastle, Australia) Telling the Stories of Ruin and Hope: Anthropology as Place Performance (ExtrAction & Environment TIG)

©Society for Applied Anthropology 

P.O. Box 2436 • Oklahoma City, OK 73101 • 405.843.5113 • info@appliedanthro.org