SfAA Global Roundtable

23 September 2021, 8:30-11am EST 

Over the next three years, SfAA Global will host a series of extended roundtables Interfaces of Global Applied Anthropologytimed roughly midway between SfAA annual meetings, and so in September each year. The aim is to provide an opportunity for applied anthropologists working across the global to learn of each other’s work in specific areas, so to encourage involvement in SfAA Global, participation in the annual meetings, and explore opportunities for collaborations.

The first roundtable, COVID Disparities and Their Discontents, focuses on COVID. The pandemic has dominated our lives for 18 months now. Each new wave of infection has further exploited and magnified social and structural vulnerabilities. The continued pandemic continues also to expose how transmission and containment, treatment, care and prevention, all track global inequalities. In this roundtable, moderated by Lenore Manderson, participants will reflect on applied anthropology’s role in the pandemic. Speakers from a wide range of countries, professional backgrounds, and focus, will draw on their chapters in Viral Loads: Anthropologies of emergency in the time of COVID-19 (eds. Manderson, Burke and Wahlburg). All participants will be invited to contribute, and to assist this, Judith Freidenberg, Carlos Vélez-Ibáñez, and Robyn Eversole of SfAA Global will provide interpretation to support Spanish and Portuguese speakers. 

The roundtable will coincide with the publication of Viral Loads: Anthropologies of emergency in the time of COVID-19 (eds. Manderson, Burke and Wahlburg), which will be available for download without charge.

To register at no cost, go to https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ALvSZBvVSmGPCGsHUjvO0g

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P.O. Box 2436 • Oklahoma City, OK 73101 • 405.843.5113 • info@appliedanthro.org