ExtrACTION and Environment TIG

The Usual Suspects: Anna Willow, Elisabeth Moolinear and Jeanne Simonelli

It is never too early to start thinking about a session, paper, or poster for the next SfAA Annual Meeting, which will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah on March 22-26, 2022. The ExtrACTION & Environment TIG is a welcoming and inspiring place to share your ideas. 
We would like to encourage applied environmental anthropologists to put together panels or roundtables as well as to submit individual papers or posters. In addition to work that takes on this year’s program theme (The Revolutionary Potential of the Social Sciences: Transforming Possibilities), we are eager to continue essential conversations about the intersections of extraction,  environment, health, justice, and democracy at this year’s SfAA conference. Please see the details here: https://www.appliedanthro.org/annual-meeting 
As this year's program chair Jim McDonald notes, this will be (we truly hope) both a virtual and in person meeting.  Utah is an interesting and extraordinary state. Its 6 tribe heritage sets the foundation for cultural exchange dating back at least 11000 years. We hope to see you there.

Meanwhile, join us on our Facebook page.  Share ideas and solicit others to join you in creating a stimulating meeting.  

Abstracts are due on October 15, 2021 through the SfAA submission portal (https://www.appliedanthro.org/annual-meeting/meeting-information).  
Please send questions and ideas to Anna Willow (willow.1@osu.edu) and Elisabeth Moolenaar (emoolenaar@regis.edu).  If you are interested in a poster session, get in touch with Jeanne Simonelli (simonejm@wfu.edu)

©Society for Applied Anthropology 

P.O. Box 2436 • Oklahoma City, OK 73101 • 405.843.5113 • info@appliedanthro.org