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The Society welcomes position announcements for its web page. Our web page is accessed regularly by the 2,400 members as well as interested non-members. Our members and visitors are from a variety of social science backgrounds (anthropology, sociology, social psychology, public health, etc.) and they are located in a variety of work settings, including academia.

The Society was founded in 1941 and is the preeminent professional association representing the interests of individuals who seek to apply the social sciences to issues/problems in contemporary society.

Your position announcement can be posted for a period of six months (or less if requested). The size of the announcement is flexible within reason. The fee is $200. We can place the announcement on the page within three days of receiving authorization.

For additional information, please contact the Society at the following address:

Society for Applied Anthropology
P.O. Box 2436
Oklahoma City, OK 73101-2436
Phone: (405) 843-5113
Fax: (405) 843-8553
E-mail: info@appliedanthro.org

To purchase online please use the form below.


Contact person submitting the online posting.
Short description for careers link on website.
Text for the website.

©Society for Applied Anthropology 

P.O. Box 2436 • Oklahoma City, OK 73101 • 405.843.5113 • info@appliedanthro.org