Department chairs and directors of graduate / undergraduate studies, please mark your calendars for June 11-13, 2019 at Loyola University, Chicago, where AAA will sponsor the Department Leaders Summer Institute, providing an opportunity for department leaders to have face-to-face conversations about the various challenges of department administration, and successful practices for shaping training programs to prepare students for a diverse range of career paths. The agenda is still in the planning stages, but topics to be covered may include connecting students to professions, equity and inclusion in hires and student admissions, methods training, teaching and learning outcome assessments and curriculum mapping, service learning and public outreach, supporting student research and field experiences, and much more. There is no fee to register for active Department Services Program Partners. The fee for chairs of non-DSP departments is $100. Join the DSP now for $99. Registration is available here. For more information, please contact Daniel Ginsberg (

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