Connecting with Hemp Studies

August 1, 2019

I'm looking forward to connecting with researchers in Anthropology focused on studies involving hemp. I have just completed my Master's degree from the University of West Florida on The Resilient Warrior: A Lakota Ethnography in Hemp Economics, and I'm starting my Ph.D. at the University of Alabama in BioCultural Medical Anthropology. One of my favorite sayings by Alex White Plume, the face of the resilient warrior is "Hemp is our new buffalo." Alex believes hemp is the solution to overcoming economic hardships on the reservation, as well as providing relief for many of the health disparities within the reservation population as a bioremediation crop and decolonizing food source. My research will focus on tracing and examining this theory. I'm interested in starting a group or joining a group focused on hemp research in an anthropological context. Please contact me at  

Brazelton.jpgElizabeth Brazelton
University of Alabama

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